Distance Learning Online
Please click here for a student friendly guide to distance learning.
In the event of a school closure, we offer distance learning through the Satchel One (Show my Homework) application. This is the school’s main method for sharing distance learning. However, where practical the school will make use of Microsoft Teams to support this and offer a live element to teaching.
If you require any support with distance learning sites such as SatchelOne or Microsoft Teams, please see below. Alternatively contact the school: [email protected]
Where we have notified parents of a school closure and move to home learning, we will continue to follow a student’s normal school timetable. Therefore, ensuring a broad and full curriculum is delivered. Any work set will be adapted to support or challenge students and will be assessed in line with the school’s normal marking and assessment policy. Parents will always be notified of what elements/tier of distance learning will be available during any closure. In any scenario we will adopt a tiered approach which will influence the distance learning offer.
Please see our Communications Policy for further information and guidance.
To help you to complete your distance learning from home, please see the links below to access sites, and view help guides for installing software, logging in, and support in using distance learning sites. Please follow this link on How to use a chromebook.