Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!


About Our Subject

To achieve ‘ASPIRATIONS’, students will experience:

  • High quality, inspirational and innovative teaching and learning.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum of ‘BIG IDEAS’ matched to student need, interest and aspiration across key stage three, four and five.
  • A broad range of teaching styles to develop knowledge and understanding, behaviour for learning, creative and analytical skills, literacy and numeracy.
  • Teaching which is effectively differentiated to offer appropriate challenge for all learners.
  • A Personalised Curriculum such as a Transition Curriculum in Year 7 to maximise student progress and a personalised pathway for students who need it at Key Stage 4.


To gain ‘ACHIEVEMENT’ students need to ‘ENJOY’ their learning experience:

  • Inspirational and accountable leadership at all levels.
  • Creative, exciting and memorable experiences inside and outside the classroom.
  • Open up opportunities inside and outside the classroom through:
  • Project Leaders of ‘Big Idea’
  • Practical Mentor Teams
  • Science Skills Ambassadors
  • British Science Week
  • Across School - STEM clubs, Duke of Edinburgh, Science Club
  • National Space Centre Visit
  • GCSE Science Live
  • Proposed study tour - Science Live @ Disneyland Paris

Gaining these skills will help to develop the abilities needed to take a valuable, positive and active role in the workplace and society as citizens ready for the 21st Century.

5 year Curriculum Plan

Development of a 5-year big ideas plan. Instead of GCSE being largely a knowledge recall test, 60% of the marks are now for:

  • AO2 transferable understanding
  • AO3 higher level thinking

The science team aim to build conceptual understanding and scientific thinking skills progressively over 5 years. Using a 5 year Curriculum Plan the content in GCSE can be unpicked and built on progression of key concepts that lead towards the ‘big ideas’ and integrated skills. With this understanding students will become better at:

  • AO2 applying knowledge
  • AO3 analysing knowledge

Grasping the concepts also makes it easier to learn the details and facts that need to be memorised for exams.

Read our Science Implementation & Intent here