Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Welcome to our new cohort who will be joining us in September 2025.

A welcome letter will be sent to you within the next couple of days, shortly followed by an information pack with all the details you will need for registration, transport, transition etc so please look out for this.

We will also be holding a Parents' Information Evening on Wednesday, 9 April 2025.  Further details will follow nearer the time.

If you have any admissions queries or appeals please note these have to go direct to Shropshire school admissions LINK HERE


Mr Smith

Head of Year 7 & Transition Lead

The Oldbury Wells Transition Journey

The transition from primary to secondary school is an important milestone in the lives of children and their families.  At Oldbury Wells School we pride ourselves on providing our new students, parents and carers with a smooth and extensive transition programme.

We want all Oldbury Wells students to develop new friendships, increase their confidence and get used to their new routines and school organisation with ease.  We hope to enrich students’ learning experience by providing them with opportunities and challenges, along with the practical skills and knowledge to be confident, well qualified individuals, ready for employment, training or the next part of their education.


 Working Together with Primary Schools

Our aim is to help primary students prepare for their transition and we are very proud to have developed strong links with all our feeder primaries not just within the Trusted Schools Partnership but beyond our Trust boundaries as well.

Our Transition Team have carried out this role for many years enabling them to provide the primary events that are designed to engage the imagination of all primary students and providing them with the opportunity to visit us and experience what it is like in a secondary school setting.

At our Open Evening, you will have the opportunity to explore and experience the culture of our school.  You can get involved through interactive and engaging sessions lead by our dedicated team, along with the help of our student ambassadors who will be able to assist with any questions.

Open Morning opportunities are available throughout October once the open evening has taken place.  This enables parents/carers and their children to experience the school on a normal working day.  Your tour of Oldbury Wells will be guided by members of our senior team and you will have the opportunity to meet key staff, alongside current students who have recently been through the transition process.


Having chosen Oldbury Wells School and been allocated a place,

we can continue the Transition Journey


Working Closely with Primary Schools

In the Spring term, our Transition Team and Head of Year 7 will visit your child’s primary school to gather information from the Year 6 teachers about how students are getting on and their expected SATs results.  During the visit your child will have the opportunity to hear more about life at Oldbury Wells and be able to ask any questions they may have.

Year 6 Transition Day 

In July, your child will be invited to a full day at Oldbury Wells.  This is a great opportunity to make new friends, attend new and exciting lessons and meet key members of staff.  Our students have shown that following the full transition day, they feel much more confident about their move up into secondary school life.  This part of the Transition Journey is key in establishing initial routines and expectations for the students.

We also offer a separate day for students who are perhaps the only ones coming from their primary school.  This gives them the opportunity to meet and get to know other students before the main ‘Transition Day’ with the rest of the year group.

We offer further transition activities for SEND/vulnerable students where they meet and work very closely with the SEND team in the Learning Support Department.

New Students Information and Guidance Evening

In April/May new parents/carers and students will be invited to join us for an Information & Guidance Evening to learn about the transition process and hear how your child will be taught at Oldbury Wells.  This is the first opportunity to meet key members of staff including Mr Smith, Transition Lead and Head of Year 7, who will be there to support your child throughout the whole Transition Journey.

Summer School

During the summer break, we offer students the opportunity to attend our Summer School programme which is run by the dedicated Oldbury Wells staff.  This is an opportunity for children to develop friendships made during the transition days, before they start school in September.  We have found that this helps with confidence and alleviates those last minute worries or concerns they may have.


I hope that you have found the answers to any questions you may have had, however, if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact our Transition Lead, Chris Smith on [email protected]


We look forward to meeting and speaking to you over the course of the Transition Journey.

Day in the Life of a Year 7

Some of our Year 7s wanted to let Primary Schools know what a day in the life as a Year 7 is like at Oldbury Wells School.

Take a look at our Transition booklet which will be of great use for your child when they start with us in Year 7!

Can't see?

View our Transition booklet here

Why not have a read through some of our newsletters, to get an idea of the activities, competitions and work we do in school...