GCSE and A-Level exam certificates are now ready to collect
GCSE and A-Level exam certificates for grades announced back in the Summer are now ready for students to collect from West reception between 8.30am and 3.30pm, Monday – Friday.
Ideally, we require the student to collect their certificates themselves, however, they are able to authorise someone to collect them on their behalf should they need to.
In order for us to give out certificates to someone other than the student, we require a written letter from the student, which is signed and dated, stating that the nominated person coming to collect them are in fact permitted to (please include the nominated person’s name in the letter).
We must emphasise that it is required that certificates are collected before the deadline as they may be needed for future use, such as college or job applications, and the school is only permitted to hold onto them for a certain amount of time.
Deadline for certificate collection: Friday 17th February 2023 (certificates NOT collected by this date will be returned to the exam boards and students will then be required to contact them and pay for replacements).
For further information, please contact our Examinations Officer, Mrs Sarah Wellings ([email protected]).
Date Published: 05 Dec 2022