Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Our Careers and Enterprise programme aims to bridge the gap between education and work.
It is underpinned by the belief that young people should be given the best support available to develop their careers and to make informed choices about education and employment. It is creating lasting links between the school and employers and enabling senior figures from the local business community – Enterprise Advisers – to help enhance schools’ careers advice and prepare young people for the future.
At Oldbury Wells we have our own dedicated careers adviser; Melanie Lawrence (Post Grad Dip QCG) who is in school one day per week and runs appointments with students.
The school is also supported by Dr Jayne Yardley, who is our school Enterprise Adviser.  Jane, an alumni of Oldbury Wells, is a Leading Research Fellow for Harper Adams University.  She works with businesses to support innovation and develop business ideas, products and services.  She has developed and run regional business networks working with many businesses across the Marches and Worcestershire.  Her main focus is environmental technology and services as well as strengths in marketing, engagement and delivery strategies.  Jane is volunteering her time at Oldbury Wells School to help support the development of careers education.
As a school, we provide careers education and opportunities for all students, using tools such as Unifrog to aid development and skills, as well as allowing students to explore their options and make informed choices about their futures. 
Please use the links below to explore information about careers, opportunities and further education.

Quick Links

Access our Bridgnorth Sixth Form website for course information.

Login to Unifrog and use the helpful tools and resources.

Use UCAS to find out information about future prospects, university, personal statements etc. 

Helpful guidance and information about careers and next steps.

A bank of insightful videos form employers and various job sectors.

Assess your skills, explore careers and find courses.

Labour Market Information

Click on the images below to find out local labour market information about specific industries.

Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering

Transport and Logistics

Food and Drink Manufacturing

Health and Care


Finance, Business and Legal Studies