Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!


Online communication and online presence has increased greatly over the past few years, most notably during lockdown. Online trends change quickly, and different apps overtake one another in terms of popularity and usage. Explore the buttons below for more information. At the bottom of this page there are also some external websites which have excellent guides and resources for parents. Youtube is another great resource for discovering the ins and outs of social medias and games. 

The Children's Code

The Children's Code was given a 12 month adjustment period from September 2020, and sets out 15 regulations that online services must adhere to in order to protect children,. covering apps, games, social medias, search engines etc. It should limit content that may negatively impact on children's mental health, exploit them, and limit their development, etc. You can read more about it here

Quick Links

Below are the links to some agencies specialising in online safety.

(Please note these links are external and not affiliated with Oldbury Wells School)


Child Exploitation and Online Protection command. Report online abuse to get help and support.

Common Sense Media

Access reviews, research and advice on the latest films, platforms, games and social media. 

Internet Matters

Information on keeping your children safe online, with age specific advice, screen time, and content information. 


Guide to the latest apps, games and social media sites with search function. Breakdown of what the apps include, features, ratings and tips.

Parent Zone

Advice and tips on parenting in the digital world. Guides to online safety and apps. 

Safer Internet Centre

Advice and resources on how to support your child in navigating the online world safely.