Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Re : Final Update regarding Start of Term and Re-Opening arrangements.

Following our previous communication regarding arrangements for the start of term, thank you for the positive comments we have received regarding our plans to ‘Re-Engage and Re-Boot’ all children’s education in school.

Dear Parent /Carer,


Re : Final Update regarding Start of Term and Re-Opening arrangements.


Following our previous communication regarding arrangements for the start of term, thank you for the positive comments we have received regarding our plans to ‘Re-Engage and Re-Boot’ all children’s education in school.   At this time, we recognise the importance of constant communication between school and home and will be promoting a ‘listen and respond’ approach over the weeks ahead.  I was pleased to receive comments regarding children looking forward to returning and am confident that we are ready to receive all year groups back throughout the week.


Please see below further updates including information on announcements made by government this week.


  • Reboot and Re-Engage.  A reminder that all information regarding re-opening can be found on the schools’ website (
  • The use of face coverings in school.  In response to announcements this week, all students are required to have a face covering for use in school.  Students will be expected to wear face coverings during any movement time inside the school building and while within indoor social space unless eating, students will be spoken to regarding appropriate use.  In lessons we assume that most students will not wish to wear their face covering, allowing them to fully engage with the lesson, staff will be promoting this approach.   Further advice regarding face coverings is available online and staff will be reminding students of requirements when in school (  Please note that face coverings should be appropriate for a school setting, we would ask for no logo’s or printed images.
  • Social and Movement Time. Break and lunchtimes are staggered to safeguard year group bubbles. All year groups will spend time outside of the building every break and lunch, please ensure you child has appropriate clothing for the weather.
  • Equipment and kit for school bag. The sharing/ borrowing of equipment is no longer possible, students need to bring more of their own items to school than they would have in the past, a detailed overview of items is shown in the information booklet.  We are able to supply a full pack of resources at a cost of £9 which can be purchased through parent pay, any questions please email [email protected]
  • Canteen and Food Provision.  The canteen will be open but will be offering a reduced service.  All items will be stored behind service areas and selected items passed to students on an individual basis.  Caterlink (who manage our food provision) have asked us to pass on the following information :
    • Caterlink takes hygiene and safety extremely seriously and are working closely with school staff to ensure that measures are in place across the catering operations to maintain the safety of ALL persons with respect to Covid-19 and control any risk of transmission of the virus.
    • Caterlink expect high standards from our staff. Training with respect to Covid19 is ongoing and all Caterlink staff must maintain social distancing from all school staff and pupils
    • Additional robust cleaning procedures have been put in place across the store rooms, kitchen and dining areas.
    • Caterlink continues to monitor its suppliers of food and equipment to ensure that high standards are maintained, and that goods and delivery processes are compliant and are coordinated with the School’s own Covid-19 risk assessments and procedures.
    • Caterlinks risk assessments and procedures are in place and regularly reviewed to ensure that they are suitable and effective.
    • Caterlink are continuing to follow the Government guidance on Covid-19 for catering and education establishments and policies and procedures are reviewed and updated regularly as the requirements evolve.
  • Transport.  We have received a further update from Shropshire Council this week which we would ask those families who use a bus service to look at closely (  Children will be allocated a seat following their return to school based on a model of Year 7 students at the front of the bus moving through year 13 students at the rear.  Specific allocated seats will be finalised in school over the first three days of term.


We will be constantly reviewing policies and procedures as we move into the term ahead and communicating any updates.  We look forward to seeing everyone in school next week and hope that you are able to make the most of the Bank Holiday weekend.

Mr Tristham
