Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Day 3 History Battlefields Trip

Somme and Arras

Yesterday we journeyed further into France to find out more about two of the major British Empire offensives of World War I. Our first stop was Wellington Quarry and the tunnels beneath Arras. Students toured the underground world of the soldiers and imagined what it would be like on that fateful 9th April 1917. From there we travelled on to the Somme and marvelled at the destruction of the Lochnager Crater. At Thiepval memorial to the missing, students found ancestors and took time to pay their individual respects. Finally the day ended by crossing the Somme battlefield at Newfoundland. So small amount of land for so many lives lost. Students were praised for how much they had 'invested' in today and the history they experienced around them. #History #GlobalCitizenship