Re : Year 10 Distance Learning Provision – Monday 2nd – Thursday 5th November
I am writing to you to confirm the arrangements for accessing school work during the period of self-isolation. As you are aware, Year 10 students are not required to return to school until Friday 6th November.
Friday 30th October 2020
Re : Year 10 Distance Learning Provision – Monday 2nd – Thursday 5th November
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am writing to you to confirm the arrangements for accessing school work during the period of self-isolation. As you are aware, Year 10 students are not required to return to school until Friday 6th November.
During this period students will access their work through the Satchel One (Show My Homework app). This is the school’s main method for sharing distance learning. However, where practical the school will make use of Microsoft Teams to support this and offer a live element to teaching.
There are resources available on the school website to support distance learning that can be found in the Learning Zone Section However if you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact the school [email protected].
I have collated some frequently asked questions to ensure that this period of distance learning is successful. If you wish to view the full distance learning policy this is available on the school website and also includes a list of contact details
How often will the work be set?
Teachers will continue to set work through the Satchel One app for all timetabled lessons. Pupils will receive 5 lessons of work per day to reflect their timetable. These will be visible in Satchel One as classwork.
Will teachers continue to follow the curriculum and normal lessons?
In the majority of cases teacher will adapt lessons to carry on as normal and follow the detailed schemes of work that exist in school. Therefore, on a successful return to school, students will be able to carry on with their normal learning journey. However, in some more practical subjects this may not be possible, but work will be set that is relevant and again prepares students for any future learning. As a result of this it is important that pupils fully engage in the work that is set.
Will teachers be contactable?
Yes – Pupils can contact teachers through the Satchel One app messaging facility. Please remember that teachers are delivering lessons to other year groups so there may be a delay. However, there is an expectation that teachers are fully contactable during the normal timetabled lesson. Therefore, it is important that students aim to stick to the normal timetable to receive the best possible support and guidance.
Is there a live element to lessons?
Yes – As teachers are contactable during timetabled lessons, they will be offering live elements to lessons through Microsoft Teams. For example, this means that a teacher may explain or model a task through Teams and then be contactable (live) in the background for any further questions – just as they would in a lesson. The code of conduct and guide sheet for setting up teams can be found here
How will teachers mark work?
Teachers will continue to follow the school’s assessment policy and mark work with the usual frequency and format of feedback. Where teachers give feedback to students this will be visible in the Satchel One app. Teachers may ask pupils to record this in their exercise books.
How do students submit work?
Students will submit any work through the Satchel One app. The easiest way to do this is to upload it to the app. Full supporting instructions can be found here.
To ensure teachers can see how well students are doing and to track engagement pupils are required to upload evidence of work after each lesson. This can be as simple as taking a picture of the completed work and uploading to Satchel One through the app.
How as a parent/guardian can I see the work that has been set?
As a parent/guardian you can access the work and monitor its competition by downloading the Satchel One app. If you need a reminder of your login details, then please contact the school and we can issue you with a secure pin allowing you to see the work set and any feedback. [email protected].
What should I do if my son/daughter is having IT problems accessing the work?
There are support resources that will guide pupils through in the learning Zone on the school website. Please click here
These should be read carefully in the first instance, but if you require IT support – please contact the school and we will do our best to get you back on track. [email protected]
What is the best way to support my child?
It is best that student stick to their normal timetabled routine, allowing them to make the return to school as easy as possible, but to also receive the live element and support from their teachers. A copy of the pupil’s timetable is available through the Satchel One app. The times of the lessons are as follows:
Period/Session |
Time |
1 |
08.50 – 09.50 |
2 |
09:55 – 10.55 |
3 |
11.15 -12.15 |
4 |
13.00 – 14:00 |
5 |
14.05 – 15.05 |
What should I do if I need IT access?
There is no expectation that all work needs to be completed on a computer. In some instances this can slow the learning down. However, the software that the school has selected can be used on a phone, tablet or any computer.
The best way to work is to access the set work through the Satchel One app and any live elements through Microsoft Teams. Complete the work in your normal exercise book and simply take a picture at the end of the session and upload this to the teacher.
The DFE have allocated the school with a limited number of devices to support distance learning. If you wish to be considered to borrow one of these devices or may need a wireless router to allow access to the internet please contact myself directly [email protected] and I will see if I can assist you. Please remember this is not guaranteed and any loaning of equipment will be based upon need and circumstance.
If you require any assistance throughout this period of distance learning please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Kind regards
Scott Wycherley
Deputy Head Teacher
Date Published: 30 Oct 2020