Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Oldbury Wells News

Well done to our students!

Well done to our students!

Students were given their results in person this morning at Oldbury Wells School by a team of our staff.

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13 Aug 2020

We would like to say a big thank you!

We would like to say a big thank you!

We would like to say a big thank you!

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17 Jul 2020

NEW! Oldbury Wells Recreating Art Competition!

NEW! Oldbury Wells Recreating Art Competition!

Students in the Art Department have been working really hard on their distance learning tasks and we have been impressed by their amazing attitude to their own learning.

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14 Jul 2020

 Introduction from Mr Tristham

Introduction from Mr Tristham

Firstly, can I pass on my hope that you are managing through what I know has been a very difficult time.  Covid-19 has impacted us all; with many of you knowing directly or through friends and family those hit the hardest.

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10 Jul 2020

OWS Journal Summer 2020

OWS Journal Summer 2020

Read our latest OWS Journal here

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08 Jul 2020

Results Collection Update

Results Collection Update

A Level results will be released on Thursday 13th August and GCSE results will be released on Thursday 20th August.

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29 Jun 2020

Oldbury Wells Recreating Art Competition!

Oldbury Wells Recreating Art Competition!

Ever thought what it would be like to put yourself as the main subject in a famous painting? We thought this would be a fun task for you to do over the half term break. Here is your chance to get the creative juices flowing, use your imagination and

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28 May 2020

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

Dear Parents and students and a big ‘Hello’ to Year 6 students! Welcome to this end of half-term newsletter. Year 6, we hope you also like reading this magazine. Soon, we’ll be showcasing some of your work!

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28 May 2020