Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Oldbury Wells News

Music Mark School Nomination

Music Mark School Nomination

Well done to Miss Dangerfield and to our Students on their hard work in securing our nomination as a 'Music Mark School'.

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06 Oct 2020

Information for Parents about Covid-19 Symptoms

Information for Parents about Covid-19 Symptoms

Please find link to a letter received in school by the NHS, which we have been asked to share with all families regarding guidance around COVID-19 symptoms.

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23 Sep 2020

New Year 7 Starters

New Year 7 Starters

Firstly, can I say that I am very excited that we are just one day away from the start of our new term.

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01 Sep 2020

Re : Final Update regarding Start of Term and Re-Opening arrangements.

Re : Final Update regarding Start of Term and Re-Opening arrangements.

Following our previous communication regarding arrangements for the start of term, thank you for the positive comments we have received regarding our plans to ‘Re-Engage and Re-Boot’ all children’s education in school.

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28 Aug 2020

Letter to: Parents/Carers of all  Shropshire School Children

Letter to: Parents/Carers of all Shropshire School Children

Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Journey to and from School wef September 2020 All Shropshire school children are returning to school from September 2020. In preparation for this, I wanted to write to you to reassure you that the Council has prepared a pl

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28 Aug 2020

Students Return to school – Re-Boot and Re-Engage

Students Return to school – Re-Boot and Re-Engage

I trust that you are well and have been managing over the summer period during what remain very unprecedented times

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24 Aug 2020

Good luck message from Mr Tristham

Good luck message from Mr Tristham

I had the privilege to be in school last week when the Class of 2020 came into school to collect their results.

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24 Aug 2020

Congratulations to our Year 11 students!

Congratulations to our Year 11 students!

Students celebrated as they picked up their GCSE exam results with us this morning.

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20 Aug 2020