Inspiring Education, Inspiring Lives!

Oldbury Wells News

WWI Trip Blog Day One!

WWI Trip Blog Day One!

Our World War I battlefield visit to Ypres and the Somme got off to a cracking start with everyone ready bright and early and raring to go.

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11 Jul 2023

Oldbury Wells in the News!

Oldbury Wells in the News!

On Thursday 6th January, the new year was kickstarted with OWS appearing in the BBC News! We got involved with a local campaign run by John Adams, the Director of Perry & Phillips Funeral Directors located in Bridgnorth.

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06 Jan 2023

GCSE and A-Level exam certificates are now ready to collect

GCSE and A-Level exam certificates are now ready to collect

GCSE and A-Level exam certificates for grades announced back in the Summer are now ready for students to collect from West reception between 8.30am and 3.30pm, Monday – Friday.

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05 Dec 2022

GCSE Results

GCSE Results

Nerves were high as students arrived to collect their much anticipated GCSE Results.

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29 Aug 2022

Arthog 2022

Arthog 2022

Adventures in wonderful Wales!

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01 Aug 2022

London Visit Diary Day Three

London Visit Diary Day Three

The Tower - a witness to the history of London.

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08 Jul 2022

London Visit Diary Day Two

London Visit Diary Day Two

Today students enjoyed a very full day exploring some of the most fascinating but deadly moments in history,

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07 Jul 2022

London Visit Diary Day One

London Visit Diary Day One

After a bright and early start History students have enjoyed a full day in the capital.

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07 Jul 2022